I am beyond awkward.all.the.time

My friends were coming to pick me up last night, they texted me stating they were on there way. By that, I figured they were out the front. (why, i am not fully sure – i assume a lot of things)

I went outside and awaited the car, the first car that pulled up had women in it, I assumed it was my pals. Went up and started laughing, saying “Good Timing, I can’t believe I didn’t have to direct you gals!” That is when I realized it wasn’t my friends. Just some randoms, who were super concerned by me trying to get into their car….

They all got out of their car, ignored my apologies and just pretended that I wasn’t there and it didn’t happen.

I have been replaying those seconds in my head all day and no doubt will for the next week if not the next few years.

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